West Texan eating lunch at an auction in the San Angelo stockyards, 1940

Hey, social media stunt punks: choke on this great news

Let’s hope she gets 20 years in prison and a $10000 fine.
Serves her right.
Let that be a lesson to any of you young punks tempted to pull such a stunt yourselves. 😉

Gun-Toting Texas Pastor Nabs Grandma Stealing Packages From Porches

Will S.' Random Weirdness Blog

Don’t mess with Texans!

A gun-toting pastor in Texas caught a grandmother stealing packages from the porches of Baytown residents last week.

Pastor Benny Holmes was captured on video charging through his front door wielding a pistol and pointing it at the suspect, Laurie Ferguson, 52, according to the Baytown Police Department.

“He was at his wits end,” said Holmes’ wife, Pat, to ABC 13 News. “He was determined in his mind that he would sit here, however long it took, to see if he could find her.”

Ferguson initially denied that she was stealing when first confronted by Holmes.

“She said, ‘I’m looking for my dog,'” Pat recalled, adding that her husband then told Ferguson, “You found your dog. Bow wow.”

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